Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Invocations vs. Evocations

It can be difficult in the beginning to differentiate between Invocations and Evocations. Here's my little trick - Evocation is External; Invocation is Internal. HUH?

I know these are a little hard concepts - some of the hardest those in the first years must comprehend. So, close your eyes and visualize the power of ritual.
  • We call up within ourselves that "Power Person " that part of us we may have given a power name, that part of us that is intrinsically entwined with Mother Nature and Deity. This part of us is always there, just not always at the forefront of our consciousness.
  • We also ask Deity, and the Elementals to enter our circles - to lend their own unique powers and protections to our rites. We cut a door into our circle so that their ethereal energies might come inside.

The first is an example of an Invocation, the second is an Evocation.

Now we can take it a step further.....

Invocation: Since our Power Self is always intertwined with deity and the Elements, we can call upon a Specific Deity or Elemental to help us - they can help bring forth specific characteristics in our Power Self....this is where it can get confusing. Lets say for Yule you call upon Brigit - you want to make protection amulets for the upcoming year - so you call her into your circle (evocation) but when your trying to imbue the power into the amulet you need to be able to 'see' that protective energy. As you may recall Brigit is Goddess of the Forge, but she is also a mother and poet. So be Invoking her you bring those specific qualities (of yours) to the forefront - maternal, protector, strength, beauty. You can then use this energy in spell and ritual work.

This is a great debate - some believe to Invoke is to invite the Spirit into yourself - and that's how you can utilize the specific energy. While others (like myself) believe it is you Associating specific traits to one Deity or another or one Elemental or another - once you've associated certain traits - it becomes like using certain herbs, thinking of them, inviting them into your circle helps you focus your mind and your Power Self on those specific qualities. We're all complicated beings - Invocation just helps you cut away the excesses in your personality -so that your Power is funnelled down into a tiny specific purpose!

Evocation: When you cut that door in your circle you should be visualizing an ethereal (spiritual) entity entering your circle. They are separate entities - you are just inviting them in to be guides and protectors. If your mind digresses and you go off track their energy can help to keep you focused -also they are much more powerful than we are - as you utilize your own Power Energy in magickal workings - so those entities in your circle are also contributing energy - this is why we do communion, to help replenish their energy after we used some of it.

Of course its not gonna end there (that would be too simple wouldn't it?)

The power of Prayer Invoking is also the power of prayer to a specific deity. Why wouldn't it be evocation? Well - we are utilizing that internal connection to deity to communicate - think of it like an old phone cord between the heart of your Power Self to the heart of your Patron Deity (or the deity you're calling upon in this prayer). If you are praying to any deity or to Spirit in general you are Evoking - you can't focus your power energy specifically so you can not wholly use the internal wire directly to the gods, you must instead use your voice and mind - the wind to cary your prayer, etc.

Think of it like this: When you pray to a specific deity, when you call their name, your Power Self and your Mind go through rapid associations - Who is this being your calling to? - so in effect, you call those traits within yourself to the forefront in order to better focus your mind. If there are millions of deities out there you need to power your prayer with a specific taste - that taste relates it to the deity the message is intended for - so in effect you invoke the Deity in order to send a prayer to them.BUT, if the prayer is just a general plea, not to anyone in specific, than you are evoking the etheral, making the taste of the message be palatable to anyone who can aide you.


When you ground and center, and/or begin to meditate you clear your consciousness of all the hoopla of the daily grind. Then you access that part of you that is connected to Power - be it nature, Spirit, Diety, whatever. At first, when you try to work a ritual or any magick at all, you work with this all encompassing Power from within. BUT - over time you will learn the different "Taste" of Power. . . .

Meaning, the power that is connected to a specific deity will have traits of that deity. What do you think of when you think of that deity. The same can be said for your magickal tools, or the elements. So.....we're gonna start differentiating in the simplest manner possible.

LEVEL I: Power Self & Magickal Tools:

Power Self - this is to help you become better aquainted with the Powerful part of you. If you have already chosen a Power Name simply naming yourself out loud should help you feel this Self emerging. In the begining you'll still have to ground and center first.

  1. Sit in a quiet spot(or lay - I prefer to lay; but if you're gonna fall asleep you'd better sit). Make sure you'll be undisturbed for at least 20 minutes
  2. Either hold your tool in your hand or else Have the tool right next to you - so you wont have to open your eyes to locate it.
  3. Take a few deep breathes. Clear your mind of everything.
  4. Start at your feet - relax your toes, then your arches, then your ankles. Work up to your calves, the knees, than the thighs. Relax your womb and belly, your Pelvis and abdomen. Feel your lungs expand and expel your tension. Your shoulders relax, then your neck. Your jaw is loose as is your tongue. Your sinus' and temples, and finally the crown of your head relaxes.
  5. Search deep within yourself for that Power Center. Get a taste for the general Power within you. If you are a visual person - it may writhe with many colors, constantly changing shape, form & color. I usually see my Power Self as a "Glowing Me" Like I have a phantom overlaid on my physical form - that is colorful and soft.
  6. Feel how your Self is different - don't try to focus too much on the physical (like how your skin feels) at first, or you may lose the Power Self. If you like using visuals - what color does your power hand change to? How about the other Power Centers - the Womb, Heart, Third Eye, etc? If you're not using visuals, how does your hand feel. Does any other part of you feel different.
  7. To come out of the meditation trance - start at the crown of your hear and become again aware of physical sensation - work backwards from step 4.
  8. Once you've recovered your physical form, write tdown all of your observations. From now on, each time you use your tool - you should Try to regain the same (or more powerful) feelings.

Magickal Tools: {athame, sword, bosom, cauldron,etc.} (Picks up from step 5 of the Power Self Exercise)

  1. Now, hold the Magickal Tool in your Power Hand (the hand you write with usually).
  2. Feel how your Power changes and focus'. If you like using visuals - what color does your power hand change to? How high up your arm do the colors go? If you're not using visuals, how does your arm feel. Does any other part of you feel different.
  3. To come out of the meditation trance - start at the crown of your hear and become again aware of physical sensation - work backwards from step 4 (from the Power Self Exercise).
  4. Once you've recovered your physical form, write tdown all of your observations. From now on, each time you use your tool - you should Try to regain the same (or more powerful) feelings.

Digression: Some Wiccans have a permanent Magickal Space set up in their homes or yards. I do not. I keep my tools in a Rubbermaid container so that I can bring it with me. Nature is my Magickal Space - and it exists outside of my yard..lol.

LEVEL II: Deity & Elementals: {Fire, Earth, Air, Water} (Picks up from Step 5 of the Power Self Meditation)

Elementals: This is a whole lot harder than doing the basic Power Self or Tools exercise. Mainly this is true beause the elementals are less and more than simple substances. We will each associate different things with each element.

Furthermore - to really connect deeply with an Element - You need to hold the element both Physically and Metaphysically - this means hold a candle, or a bit of salt (thought I like dirt better) or pour some water in your hand, etc) Thats physical. But also visualize all those personal associations. What do you think of when you visualize Fire? Hot, Powerful, Variations? Culmination? Whatever, its totally personal. So, while holding the Physical Representation in your power hand, you want to list as many associations - SLOWLY - as you can. The Druids very much believe in the power of Word. Each word that your mind links with something will make that something more powerful within you. So, if you list many things that you associate with fire - than the power of Fire will be that much greater within your Power Self.

NOTE: We each usually have 1 or 2 elementals that we strongly connect with and 1 or 2 that we have a much harder time connecting with. This is part of the importance of performing these exercises - otherwise you may try utilizing the power of an element that your physiology simply can not understand.

  1. Now (after Steps 1 - 5 of Power Self), Physically hold a representation fo the elemental in your power hand - this means hold a candle, or a bit of salt (thought I like dirt better) or pour some water in your hand, etc) Thats physical.
  2. Then Metaphysically Draw in the power of the Element. List in your mind all the things that the element make you think of (see below for one of my lists)
  3. Feel how your Power changes and focus'. If you like using visuals - what color does your power hand change to? How high up your arm do the colors go? If you're not using visuals, how does your arm feel. Does any other part of you feel different. Do you feel more or less powerful? Do you feel in control or out of control? Etc.
  4. To come out of the meditation trance - start at the crown of your hear and become again aware of physical sensation - work backwards from step 4 (from the Power Self Exercise).
  5. Once you've recovered your physical form, write tdown all of your observations. From now on, each time you use your tool - you should Try to regain the same (or more powerful) feelings.

FIRE: Hot, Powerful, Variations, Culmination, Fast Transformation, Volitile, Hard To Control, etc

WATER: Soothing, Calm to Fierce, Slow Transformation, Moon, etc,

AIR: Movement, Astral, Psychie, Wisdom, Inspiration,

EARTH: Solid, Cycle of Life, Science, Inevetable, etc.

Deity: {Specific}This can only be accomplished if you feel drawn to 1 or more Deities. If you do not yet feel such a connection - Thats OK!! Some of us have felt a calling from a specific deity for some time (and being an instrument for a deity isn't always fun or soothing)

This exercise is extremely similar to Elementals. Its important to list your associations NOT the associations found in a book but what YOU think of when you think of a specific Deity. I also like to hold a Physical Representation of my Deity in my power hand to help keep me grounded. Then I Metaphysically connect.

I have heard of this connection working in two ways.

  1. There is a part of the Deity deep within you - your Power Self is inactuality only 80% You and 20% Deity. In which case when working the meditation you should visualize the Deity superemposed over your Power Self or Sharing your Power Self. (This so doesn't work for me)
  2. This is the basic connection between you and Deity. A thick metaphysical cord that links the two of you. It can run from a few different body parts....
  • Female Invoking Female Deity : Womb, heart or 3rd Eye
  • Female Invoking Male Deity: 3rd Eye, Crown
  • Male Invoking Female Deity: Genitals, Solar Plexus, Heart
  • Male Invoking Male Deity: Throat, 3rd Eye

Now what makes this connection different from Evocation is 1 thing: Energy and Power flows both ways down the connection - so that you feed yoru Deity energy and They feed you energy - so this "Cord" should pulse with Power.

Otherwise follow the same steps as for the Elementals.


To write your own Evocations is a very personal choice. Again you always want to work with Power that you can physiologically and metaphysically manipulate toward your purposes - if you invite "Spirit" Into your circle, and a male deity enters...but you are not strong in working with Male Energy than you've wasted the whole ritual. So you need to try to be as specific as possible - both in your words and your visualization.

Things to remember when writing your own evocations:

  1. What is the porpose? Why are you attempting to perform this ritual? Par down all the frivolous and look deeply into yourself. This should be answered as honestly as possible or you will fail. {Meaning - its easy to say - I'm performing a Samhain Rite. But why are you performing it? To help the earth move toward fall? To better connect with nature? To also perform meditations and spells? ou need the Sabbat connection to deity for your mental happiness? BE HONEST}
  2. Who are you targeting to assist you? Include all "Energies" - the Fae, Elementals, Deities, Ancestors, whatever. Again you're trying to only include the ones you CONNECT with - you and verbally thank the ones you must leave out of the ritual.
  3. What will you use to help you? List all tools, herbs, incense, etc.
  4. Once you have these three lists - you need to take each thing individually. Write a short list of everything you associate to it (ie. What we did for Elementals & Deity Invocation).
  5. Once you have multiple lists, make sure they are similar, or at least complimentary. Meaning - if you are performing a Mabon Rite - and you invoke Fire..this wont work, as Water is the element for Fall and Mabon - so you'll be putt ing a dampner on all magick you perform within the circle.
  6. Sit back and clear your mind a moment.
  7. The list you made in step 4 is your Evocation Qualities - your Associations. If you make an amulet this is what energy will go into it. You will ask Spirit to please imbue the amulet with protection and the Spirit will lay a metaphysical hand over the amulet and send the protective enery into it. The energy just doesn't need to pass through you.
  8. Now you're ready to write your own Evocations.

Here's an example for Mabon....

  1. Mabon, honoring my accomplishments, recognizing what I must still work on, meditating for aid in conquering my personal flaws, making amulets for winter.
  2. Elementals (I'll be invoking Air and Brigit); Green Man
  3. My main altar tools: Athame, chalice, cauldron, tools to make the amulets (leather, premade pendants), icon, incense (cinnamon), elementals,
  4. Air: spirituality, flowing, breathing, change / Green Man: dieing, wilting, end of the season / Brigit: Mother, protector / etc
  5. Write Invocations and Invocations (my invocations I say mentally, as I'm calling on the power from within - BUT - I'll also evoke Brigit my Patron Goddess to always witness my circles)

INVOCATION (sample):
Hail Brigit, Goddess and Mother of my Soul. Please fill me up with your great blessings. Guide my mind and soul in all I do - that it may honor you as my Mother and Guide. Welcome and Blessings!

{NOTE: On a Sabbat, you'll also want to Invoke the Power of the Holy Day. }

EVOCATION (sample)

Seasons Change, Wheels turn. On this Sabbat Morning I call to Brigit. Great Mother, Protector, Craftswoman. My Guide, My Goddess. Blessings! I beseach you to enter my Mabon circle this morn that I may always follow you in all my magickal practices. Bless me and honor me, Great Mother on this most Holy Day. Welcome!

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